DeMore’s Pizzeria

Hello and happy TGIšŸ•F! Now I don’t listen to the radio (its 2017 and I stream like everybody else), but 100.7 Star claims DeMore’s Pizzeria has the best pizza in Pittsburgh. Thus,Ā I traveled to Millvale for two reasons: 1.) to investigate the radio’sĀ bold proclamation, and 2.) DeMore’s gave us a free pie in exchange for a true review of their pizza, and I’m not one to turn down a free slice or two.


CHEESE:Ā DeMore’s pizza pie comes out of the oven piping hot and stringy. Truly some of the most elastic mozzarella we’ve come acrossĀ on the pizza quest.Ā It looks like Papa John’s pizza’s cheese on the commercials, but then tastes like actual mozzarella.

DOUGH: The dough is superb, as it has a very doughy center with a thin layer of crispy on the outside. The crustĀ is awesome and tastes like a whole loaf of freshly bakedĀ bread on the outside of a pizza.

SAUCE:Ā Though my least favoriteĀ part of DeMore’s pizza, it can hardly be referred to as a weakness. Overall the sauce has a pretty earthy flavor with only a hint of sweetness (faithful readers of TGIšŸ•F probably know by now that I posses a fondness for the sweeter sauces) and has enough flavor to add to the taste of the slice.

DeMore’s serves up quite a tasty pie, and I think is the first pizza on this quest to have all three of the major ingredients tally a successful slice. Kudos DeMore’s. *BONUS* this week is Pittsburgh Pizza Week, so whether it’s DeMore’s, a previously reviewed pizzeria, or your go-to spot (which you should recommend to us for a review), get out there and eat some pizza!

Yinzer Eats. Where Yinzers Eat.

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